jueves, 5 de junio de 2014

The War of the Worlds

By H. G. Wells

This cover really describes the book.

     Long time no see. This is my first time reading this author and I really liked it way more than the movie. If some of you saw the movie you'll notice many differences. The first being that they didn't have cars, they were English, and the nameless main character wasn't a divorced man who got himself two kids with him when Martians decided to attack.

     Our main protagonist is a kidless philosophy writer who lives in Woking, a small town. He narrates us the recent invasion by Martians after mankind has managed to survive. He starts his story at the moment that one of his friends, an astronomer, shows him an unusual event happening in Mars through a telescope. Something like a shooting star coming from the red planet that scientists soon assumed was due to some volcanic eruption. Then he gazes without knowing the deadly truth coming towards Earth in awe.

     Not long after, this green shooting star falls very near Woking and the first person to find it is none other than the astronomer, who finds buried deep within the ground a boiling cylinder of odd material. The news spread and people, old and young, go to see the strange artifact. The astronomer forms a group ready to receive the Martians and keep away the onlookers while the cylinder starts rotating and making odd noises from inside.
     Our protagonist goes to see, curious as everyone else, and meets his friend. It is then while people dressed in their Sunday clothes, selling merchants and running kids playing around that it opens. From inside a strange device emerges and fires at people utterly burning them to corpses. Chaos soon wreaks havoc. People run towards the wood in terror. The astronomer and his group while handling a white flag are burned to the ground. While gazing from the woods, a strange thing struggles in the ground. A Martian. A slimy two-eyed Martian with a beak-like mouth and four tentacles in each side appear over the mound.

    Everybody who survived return to their homes shrunk in terror. Soon the news spread but peacefulness remains. The Martians couldn't leave the mound. The gravity of this planet is too much for them. They can't stand up and are slow. People have faith in the army which has stationed near the area. He dines and tries to continue his life. But he couldn't have known in that moment, that while he believed they were powerless, the excess oxygen found in Earth's atmosphere was enough to drug them as to continue working nonstop in that little mound, inside that cylinder...
     Soon, the army comes into contact with the Martians. The protagonist can hear them firing at them. Outside a police officer goes by horse shouting to take the valuable belongings and flee. The Martians managed to construct some odd machine and is approaching. Thinking fast he rents a carriage and a horse to an unsuspecting neighbor. He escapes with his wife to his cousin's house at the next town. From far away, red pillars of fire appear over his own.
     When they finally arrive, he explains his situation to his cousin who lets them stay. Yet the protagonist feels compromised to fulfill his promise with his neighbor: to return his horse and carriage at evening. Against his better judgement he goes back at night. The roads are dark but silent. It is then that a Martian appears over a giant and strange machine. A tripod with a cone head and multiple tentacles of an unknown metal that swings as if walking. He urges the horse and tries to escape. The carriage is knocked over and the horse breaks its neck. He drags himself through the ground and hides in the woods. He continues his journey to his town and finds his neighbor dead on the road.

     He flees back to his home finding it still fine, whereas some other areas of the town are utterly destroyed. There he gazes through the window and sees the Martians and their machines from afar thinking if maybe this strange devices are such to him as railroads and trains are to less intelligent animals. Soon he sees a man hiding along the house. He calls him over and lets him in. This man is a gunner who was in the battle and had fallen to the ground when the army was beaten almost instantly, he had pretended to be dead and finally came over to the town evading the tripods. They prepare supplies and decide it is no longer safe to go through where the protagonist has come from. Trains were disabled by the Martians and so they decide to travel through the woods along the roads.
     They arrive to a town where the gunner rejoins the army and our protagonist finds himself alone again while the army prepares people to flee from town. The townspeople go along their Sunday clothes without a care in the world, too blind and confident of the defeat of the unseen Martians. Soon the attack comes and people flee to the river where giants masses of people wait for the ferries to get them to the other side.
     The protagonist dives into the river and he rises from over it as people fall off the ferries like thunder. Two more tripods come along the river with their own Heat Rays and trying to burn the humans, evaporate big portions of water form the river. He swims desperately away from them while corpses start rising and tripoids catch with their tentacles the running people and smash them against the trees.
    Soon a cannon fires at an unsuspecting Martian tripoid and destroys the cabin making it spin uncontrollably along the river while dangling its feet like crazy. It falls over along with his Heat Ray, still dangling its feet as a headless insect. A brownish liquid emanates from the cabin and the Heat Ray evaporates and heats the water in the river to its boiling point. The other two tripoids rapidly hurry to its fallen comrade and rescue its friend leaving the river.
     The protagonist lets himself be driven by the river managing to escape the boiling water and reaches another town and between that destroyed town finds a priest.

     The story continues along the point of view of the protagonist's brother. He studies medicine and lives in London where he narrates the skepticism and disregard for the Martian attack. He explains it to be due the dramatic and exaggerated accounts by the newspapers. He can't help worry for his brother as the army has places itself along London planning a counterattack. London seems safe and protected even though every day the train stations are full of refugees who had managed to escape with accounts of the attacks.
     He goes to sleep forgetting once again, as everybody that Martians exist and are very near by. He goes to bed thinking what his day is going to be like tomorrow. He is awaken at two in the morning, some screams to evacuate the city or hide in their basements. The Martians are here. He gazes through his window as everybody else, hundreds of lights and windows light and open up to see in the dark night. Faraway shots and screams start to arise. The brother dresses up and hurries outside, someone explains to him that the Martians had come up with a new weapon: the Black Smoke. They just tossed a missile and the smoke soon asphyxiated all the troops hiding to ambush them. It kills if you touch it or inhale it. London is done for.
     The brother flees along the rest of the people to the south and in the roads he helps two women when some men try to take by force there carriage. He travels with them from town to town, amazed at sight of havoc caused by the Martians. Humans flee through the road when people from town scream about incoming Martians. Carriages crash, people run over each other and the river of people smash against frantically. They manage to flee south and take an army boat. When leaving tripoids suddenly appear along the woods. The other boats go to their rescue and attack the tripoid so the passenger boat may reach the open sea. Along them a boat called Thunder Child crashes over a tripoid and takes it down with him before being defeated by the other two Martians. From afar the passengers cheer in victory at the only battle they have ever won in this war.

     Once again our protagonist sits under a big tree near a destroyed town where a priest mumbles about the destruction of his church and the start of the apocalypse. The protagonist can see this priest is utterly mad and staying in this town is not smart so he decides to continue his journey to London. The priest follows behind him and they arrive to the next town where they manage to enter a house and find food in the cabinet. One day suddenly the house collapses and the protagonist loses consciousness, when he wakes up the priest instructs him to be still. There's glass all over the floor and a strange sound comes from outside. In dismay, the protagonist discovers that a cylinder has landed just next door and its crash had collapsed the house. The only exit is going at a visible range near the cylinder which is already guarded by Martian tripoids.
     Both of them stay still in the house hoping for the Martians to open the cylinder and go. The protagonist and the priest have many discussions over the food and water over the days. They gaze in wonder over the slimy and odd Martians operating their strange machines and discover many incredible things about them. Yet the most unpleasant they found about which made the priest flee from the gap in the wall, was their way of feeding. They where eating the blood of humans and they could see first-hand the death of a fellow human at the hand of the hungry Martians.
     Their fight became constant and more aggressive. One day the priest started screaming, to stop him he hit the priest and knocked him out cold. Yet he heard a sound from outside, the gap suddenly went darker as a Martian eye tried to gaze inside. The protagonist fled to the coal basement and closed the door. He stood in the dark silently and waiting, he could hear a tentacle from his machines going around the kitchen. Touching the walls and suddenly he heard him drag something heavy: the priest. He cowered in the small room and hoped that it would go away yet the tentacle started dragging through the wall and door. Struggling, he managed to learn how to open it! The tentacle went through the door and he event felt him touching his boot, but when he thought it was the end it suddenly grabbed a piece of coal and went away.
     Incapable of trusting his good luck he stood there more time and finally decided to leave. He found the kitchen vandalized, the Martian had left the food cabinet empty. He found himself cornered like a rat with a cat waiting outside.
     He went around fourteen days hiding in the house, but in the end finally he woke up and found the Martians where gone. He went outside and found the mound empty and only occupied by a red Martian plant that spread all around the houses and the mound. The idea struck him, he felt like a rabbit returning to his home only to find someone else building a house. He realized the the dominance and age of humans had ended. Like some of the wild dogs around, he started scavenging for food. He continued along the river when he managed to find some cookies. The river was infested with the crimson alien plants who had transformed the area near the rivers into a red valley. He decided to continue its path to London.

     In the way he found a man hiding int he grass aiming at him with a gun. He announced him this area along with the town was his own as their wasn't enough food for both. The protagonist tried to explain to him that he was heading to London, he thought he may find his wife in there. How he had coming all over from Woking. The dirty man stood up and gladly came up to him. He was the gunner he had met long ago.
     The gunner and the protagonist have a meaningful talk. The gunner explains to him his ideas. How he thinks that the Martians will eventually stop hunting humans and instead start to harvest them. Then there will become a time when people forget how it was before Martians arrives, all in their cages eating and inventing theories and religions to explain their lives under the authority of Martians.
     The people who know the truth, the people who are free, will become such as rats. The gunner tells him his plan to counterattack Martians. It will take a long time but it will help to renew human people just like natural selection. He says to him he thinks that they may hide in the London sewers where the Martians can't get them. He wants to reconstruct a society full of people who are useful. The scientist and engineers will read the books they get them and learn how to control the tripoids. He describes vividly how one day they will kill the Martians with their own tripoid and reinstate the dominance of humans.
Prototype uniform
     The protagonist explains that thirsty of hope he couldn't help but believe the crazy ideas of the gunner, it is when the gunner shows him the tunnel he's been trying to make connect with the town's sewers and finds how little he has done that decides to move on.
     He heads to London which finds incredibly quiet. Dogs ran all over the city disputing the pieces of rotten meat they may find. A loud and repeating noise keeps echoing around the city from one of the still Martians tripoids. He finds corpses and stinking smells coming from the basements. He walks around and finds how the Martians have started building a camp in a crater they left in London, surely preparing the ground for the future colonization.
     It is the next morning when the shrieking siren from one of the tripoids ceases, he can't help but wonder. He runs towards the still Martians in the park, petrified while standing, dead. And the last moments of the surviving shrieking Martian that suddenly became mute. He ran to the mound without fear of being seen by them and saw the birds taking chunks of slimy meat from inside the tripoids.
     It was not then but later that he would understand that humanity had made himself a place in Earth after many years of deaths by illnesses caused by the tiny inhabitants of this planet. Deaths that had not been in vain and would guarantee the survival of humanity in future Martians attempts against them. For the superior Martians had doomed themselves the moment they had breathed the air, eaten the food and drank its water. The same way the red alien plants turned white and died by disease, so did the Martians atop their tripoids died without understanding how or why. He gazed at the destroyed city, the sunrise atop the great city and its light shining once more over London. Humanity was saved!
     When he came to his senses he found himself taken care by a kind family. They had found him delirious in the streets. People had already started flocking once again to London once the news had spread the day he arrived to London. Some people had discovered it first and had started calling people back. He stood with them for a week but against their advice he decided to come back to his cousin's town and try to find his wife.
     When he arrives he hears the dreary news. The town was destroyed by one of the tripoids who arrived days later. No one had survived. It came out of nowhere, out of curiosity, just like a child destroying an anthill just because. He decides to return home hoping that maybe they are there.
     He arrives and enters. He finds it just the way he and the gunner had left it. He goes to the kitchen and stays there feeling down. In that moment he hears a woman outside asking a person if someone came. The protagonist rushes to the door where he finds his cousin and his wife dressed just as dirty as him.

     After the war, many scientist studied the the remains of the Martians and their machinery. He doesn't think the Martians won't attack again but now humanity is prepared and they have lost the surprise factor. Maybe after their defeat they have lost interest in Earth. Some nights ago, he could swear he saw those green shooting stars heading to Venus and hopes that will be the end of their travels.

     I hope you may like the book as much as I did. Hope I can find the Invisible Man soon!

     Happy Reading!

viernes, 8 de noviembre de 2013

The Small Assassin

By Ray Bradbury

     Hi, everybody! I have a bit of free time after a shower of homework and I'd like to recommend a very cool story. Now returning with my favorite author. Here comes a story that may make baby-haters like it. This short story comes from a book I previously mentioned "The October Country".

Be afraid! I'm all powerful! I'm smirking at you!
     Alice Leiber has just survived a difficult delivering and she hates her baby. (See, baby-haters must be agreeing with her already.) David, her husband, is told by Dr. Jeffers that it will take time for her to come to love their baby. The difficult delivering that almost killed her must have make her blame the baby. So he must tolerate everything strange she may say.

     So Alice and David head to their home. Alice carrying the baby in her arms like she should but not motherly enough, just as she was carrying a porcelain figure which bugs David. Once in the house, Alice acts indifferent toward the child even though David makes an effort in to her showing some interest for him. Finally when they let him in his crib and head to their own room, Alice tells him she's afraid of him and thanks him for not getting mad at her. She starts explaining to him that she doesn't believe him to be harmless. The baby hates her and wants her dead. He tries to assure her that that can't be possible. Alice explains to him that she can't trust it. People have rules to know right from wrong. Between David and herself love shields each other from the other. But the baby is so new. He doesn't know right from wrong, knows no rules. He's amoral. David tells her that they would teach him but Alice looks reluctant.

     The baby starts crying in the other room and David decides to move the crib to their room much to Alice displease. There the blue-eyes baby gazes from its crib. Lights turn off and David feels Alice rush into her arms shaking. David suddenly remembers he will be out of town for a few days, the help they hired will come on Friday. Alice promises to look after the baby.

I thinks that's everyone's case.
     David heads to work and away. He's too busy and tired from work when he receives a call. It's Dr. Jeffers who tells him Alice is in the hospital with pneumonia. David rapidly returns and Dr. Jeffers explains to him that she got pneumonia due to exhaustion as she was being too good a mother. When the doctor leaves, Alice moans to David. The baby, the baby wouldn't stop crying at night. He wouldn't let her rest. He was all day still but at night he wouldn't let her sleep. He knew she was weak and drives her to pneumonia. She admits he tried to kill him since the first day he was gone. He tried smothering him against the pillow. She just put him upside-down into the pillow and waited, but when she returned the baby was already in her back smiling. Since then she didn't took care of him at all, she believes the help took care of the baby.
     Later on, Dr. Jeffers tells David that it wasn't the babies fault. She just tries to blame her troubles on him. He must shower her in love and be patient. Eventually she will understand the baby is harmless and start to love it. And so David does. Four months have passed and Alice seems to become healthier and her fears less frequent. Yet she would still shake in fear when the door to their bedroom opened a few inches for no reason or thought there was something in the hallway. One night while Alice was sleeping in his arms, he heard the baby crying. He decided to get the milk himself. He walked in the darkness and next to the stairs he slipped with something. He felt himself being thrown to the stairs but somehow managed to grab the railway. He cursed and grabbed the thing he had slipped with. He grew pale. It was a small doll he had got for the baby.
I'm sorry! I was just joking when I got you a doll.
I know that you're a boy, that's why it's funny.

     Next morning, when Alice left him in work she told him he couldn't deal with it anymore. She still fears the baby and wants to get away of it for a bit. Have some vacations and leave the baby to someone else. David tells her she will take her with a psychologist and if he decides so they would go on a vacation. David thought for a moment that Alice would start crying but she finally agrees.

     While he is at work he starts thinking if he should tell her about what happened last night but decides not to as that would only freak her out more. Accident are after all accidents. He returns home. Everything is quiet, a few cars honking faraway in the avenue. He slides the key into the keyhole and opens the door. Sunlight falls at the bottom of the stairs from the window and into the doll. But he isn't looking at the doll. He rushes to Alice who is at the bottom of the stairs like a twisted doll that doesn't want to play anymore. Ever. He grabs her in his arms, hugs her, calls her. But she's dead. Desperately he rushes to the baby's bedroom and there he finds the baby gasping with his face red as if he had tired himself by crying. He yells to him, "She's dead!," for no reason.

You're right. I should try throwing them into the stairs.
     In the meantime he must have called Dr. Jeffers but he can't really remember. He slaps him and tells him to snap out of it. He tells him the baby killed her as he tried last night with him. Dr. Jeffers tells him that it's just a baby but David explains to him that maybe what if one baby out of a million was born different. This one could already think, understand and hate. He could start moving faster than the others. That must be why he was always tired even when they didn't hear him cry. He had exhausted himself by climbing the crib and moving around in the hallway! Even so Dr. Jeffers tells him that even if he was right murder is motivated, what could have motivated a baby to kill their own parents. David told him what the thought. What if the baby hated that it was taken away from its peaceful slumber at birth. Sent out into a cold world where he had to provide, see and compete for himself. He hated Alice for that and his father as well. He wanted them death.

     He tells him how he knows now what name he should have. Lucifer. Oh, how he wants to kill him. Dr. Jeffers tells him he needs to sleep. He gives him some sedatives and tells him he will come tomorrow in the afternoon to see him. David goes to his bed and feels his consciousness slip but as he was falling asleep he thought he saw a white thing moving in the hallway.

     Dr. Jeffers arrives in the afternoon as promised. He finds the door open, enters and calls for David. No answer but thinks he just saw a white blur somewhere. He leaves his suitcase in the chair next to the door. He can smell gas. He rushes to the second floor and into David's room. He closes the valve next to the door and opens the windows. While coughing he heads to examine David. His body is already cold. He died some hours ago. He ponders in the hallway. David couldn't have committed suicide, the sedatives he gave him would only lose effect now. A thought slipped through his mind. He went to the baby's room and opened the door. He looked at the crib. It's empty. The baby killed David but the door to his room closed and he couldn't get back. But he would find him. He had brought him into this world, he could send it out of it too. Oh, now he was talking just like Alice and David!

     He went where he left his suitcase and took something out of it. He saw a white blur in the other room. He walked half a dozen small steps to where he was. He raised his hand to sunlight.
     "Look, baby, something pretty, something bright"

     A scalpel.
Remember an apple a day keeps a doctor away.

     Oh, such a cool story. I just love Bradbury's short stories. They're the best. Just for your information I don't hate babies but I do believe that they're amoral. It's not new to anyone that babies are selfish. 

     But I think Alice and David lacked luck. I mean, they get the only precocious child in millions and maybe he was also a gifted baby as he already knew you could kill someone with natural gas. Or maybe David suddenly started talking with Alice about how the valve next to their door could kill them when their murderous baby was hearing.

     So, happy reading!

martes, 5 de noviembre de 2013

Blade Runner

By Phillip K. Dick

Tired of only being able to care for rocks?
You're in luck, buy an artificial pet.
It will not starve to death!

     Hello, people! If you have read another of my posts or even paid attention to the name of the author you will see that he's the same author to another story we know as Total Recall or as We will remember it for you wholesale. Both, are cool stories. Only difference is that this is a novel and the other a short story. 

     Rick Deckard is a police officer in San Francisco but not the normal blue ones who love donuts. Nope, he's a bounty hunter in this post atomic war world. The Earth has been messed up by the Terminal War there was some decades ago. No one knows how or who but the world is full of radioactive dirt and most of the human population has fled to the colonies in Mars and other planets. Only few have remained on Earth, living in the now empty cities, trying to get past the day and continue their lives while using lead suits to avoid mutation and becoming a special.

     Now this colonies actually are very harsh to live in and lonely so humanity has exceed in the construction of androids so similar to humans that it is difficult to tell them apart. Sometimes these androids kill their owners and flee to Earth. So then Rick Deckard is one of many bounty hunters in the city who can get a thousand dollars by destroying them. And he really wishes for five androids to come. He wants the money to get a real animal just like everybody else. In this world, animals are scarce. Radioactivity killed lots of them and extincted not few of them. Everybody has horses, sheep, goats, ostriches, cats and dogs. Socially speaking, is the right thing: Having empathy toward other living things. But androids are not the same. They lack empathy and bounty hunters use the Voigt-Kampff test to separate android from humans. 
Tired of never finding the phone?
Worry not! This new pet is impossible to lose.
     When the chief bounty hunter of the area gets hospitalized by an android he was assigned to destroy. Rick takes over the mission and heads to the Rosen Association, the business that constructed the new Nexus-6 model, to apply the Voigt-Kampff and determine if it is still effective.There he meets Rachael Rosen and his uncle where they almost trick in to believing the Voigt-Kampff is useless. Rachel Rosen indeed results in being an android they were trying to pass as human to foil the test.

     Having assured the Nexus-6 androids can be identified correctly he heads back to San Francisco and receives a call from his boss. The Soviet Association has sent an agent to help him. Rick meets him, a middle-aged man with a Scandinavian accent. They head to the theater in his car and while travelling the agent happens to be Polokov, the android, who previously attacked his chief. Polokov tries to kill him, but Rick is faster and shoots him in the head.

     He arrives to the theater exhausted with the adrenaline still circling his body. He takes a moment to calm down, reads the report of the android he came to search. His target's name is Luba Luft who is suspected to be an android. He enters while they're still in the middle of rehearsal. He identifies her and later heads to her dressing room. He presents himself as a police officer and tells her he need to apply a test to determine she's not an android. She accepts warily. Rick starts asking the questions but Luba keeps asking him the meaning of words as she doesn't know that much english. Frustrated Rick tries to ask a different type of question, he asks her what will she do if she was invited by a man to his room. Luba asks him suddenly if he could get something from below the furniture. When Rick does it, Luba is pointing a gun at him. She takes his papers and read the questions out loud. She accuses him of being a pervert who only came to make her obscene questions. She calls a cop.
Saw Harry Potter but Mom never let you buy an
owl because they're dirty?
Worry not! Electric owls only creep you at night.
     Rick tries to explain to the fellow cop that he was attempting to apply the Voigt-Kampff but the cop doesn't understand what's he's talking about as there isn't a test with that name. When Rick attempts to contact his department, nobody answers. Unable to understand what's going on he tries to convince him showing him the retired android in his car. But things look grim, he asks Rick to come with him to the department. It seems the department Rick talks about is were the old department was before the new one. His boss nor his chief sound familiar to the cop. They arrive to a building Rick has never seen before.

     There he meets Garland, the boss, in the police department. They sent Pulokov's body to investigate just to be sure it is really synthetic. He lets Rick make a call. He calls his wife but the one who answers is another woman. He hangs and returns with Garland. The boss makes him clear that he believes Rick is an android with a false memory. An android used to kill humans. He points out to him how his list isn't of androids as even Garland's name appears. His test, the so called Voigt-Kampff, is a ruse to make him believe humans are androids.

They're everywhere.
Under every blue hat and eating your donuts.
     While Rick ponders, fellow bounty hunter Phil Resch appears. When Pulokov's corpse is confirmed to be one of an android, he insists in applying Rick their own test to prove his humanity. He even accepts applying the test to Garland and himself as he believes even cops should have applied this test. He leaves the room to get the equipment for the test. Garland sighs and admits he's android and how Phil is a fool. Everybody in this department is an android including Phil who happily comes to apply the test that will doom him. Garland takes aim at Phil yet the latter reacts sooner and shoots him. He admits he always thought Garland was an android. Phil helps Rick exit the fake department and both head to the theater once again. Rick confesses to Phil that Garland told him he was also an android but he refuses to believe it. Rick decides to deal first with Luba and then they will deal with his being an android or not.

     They find Luba in an art gallery and take her away to the elevator. Rick wants to finish applying the test to her just to be sure. She confesses she just wanted to be like a human girl and sing in the opera. Phil shoots her as he hears her admitting it. Rick becomes bewildered by his action. He accuses him of being an android as only one can enjoy so much having an excuse to kill. He applies the Voigt-Kampff to Phil only to find that indeed Phil is human. He comes to understand Phil only lacks empathy towards androids. He asks him to read the lectures and applies the test to himself and understand he has started to feel empathy toward androids. After that, Phil and Rick depart.

     Rick returns exhausted to the house but in his way buys a black nubian goat to surprise his wife. He's sad about Luba's death and tries to cheer up with his wife who talks to him about Mercerism (a kind of religion). His boss calls him and hurries him to dispose of the three androids that are left before they run away. Rick sadly departs still not sure if he will be able to kill them as coldly as before. He calls Rachael Rosen to help him retire the androids as she had offered before. When they meet, Rachael sleeps with Rick hoping to make him feel empathy towards the fugitive Nexus-6 that are left but is unable to stop him. Rick confesses his love for Rachael but she admits she has slept with multiple bounty hunters to dissuade them from killing other androids. In the end, he refuses her help and leaves her.

This android only wants a hug...
     He heads to the suburbs where he meets Isidore, a special, outside a building freeing a spider. He has been taking care of the three androids Rick is looking for: Pris Stratton, Irmgard Baty and Roy Baty. After having witnessed how these three androids mutilated the spider he had found and Mercerism displayed as fake by Buster Friendly (confirmed by the three androids as one of them), he tells Rick that they are in the building. Rick enters and in the darkness he hears someone approaching. He confuses her with Rachael Rosen. But it is really Pris Stratton, an android from the same series, who approaches with her arms wide as to hug him. Rick shoots her.

     Having dealt with the most difficult to him, he approaches to Isidore's room where he knocks. Roy Baty asks who he is. Rick fakes the voice of Isidore. Roy Baty opens with Irmgard by his side. As they see Rick both run away. Rick kills Irmgard who was awaiting to ambush him and shoots Roy soon after. When he heads down he finds Isidore lamenting the death of his only friends. He feels sorry for him and leaves.

Bored of your carbon-based toad?
Buy an electric one, fun ensured!
     When he returns home, his wife tells him their goat was pushed off the roof by a woman described as Rachael Rosen. His boss congratulates him by phone for having beat the record by killing six androids in a day. Yet Rick isn't happy at all. He leaves in his car to Oregon, a deserted state and meditates about their condition. He comes to understand he is now Mercer, as he has fused himself with him. He can understand and have empathy for both androids and humans. As he get to his conclusion he finds a toad between the rocks, an extincted species and the favorite animal of Wilbur Mercer. He takes him home and shows him to his wife. Iran discovers the toad is synthetic. Rick becomes a little disappointed but still wants to keep him. Iran calls the electric vet and starts asking instructions to care for their new electric pet.

     Well, this is another story I read this semester. Sometimes Mercerism wasn't that clear to me, it quite confused me how even though Mercerism was proved as fake, Rick and Isidore still could see Mercer as he was some kind of god. 

     But I really enjoyed not knowing if Rick was an android or not. I think that was my favorite part of the story. So I'm planning to see the movie soon.

     Happy reading!

jueves, 26 de septiembre de 2013

The Emissary

By Ray Bradbury

Same exact book I've got.
Best present ever.

     Long time no see. Since I'm back to school I have read lots of stories I didn't read in vacations. Now that I don't have homework I can finally write something. Once again by my favorite author this is a small story that can be found in the book: "The October Country".

     Martin is a boy who has a dog. So far so good and nice except that Martin is very sickly so he always stays in bed. The only creature that works as an emissary between the outside world and him is his nameless dog who likes to dig in other neighbors' gardens. Dog in his walks brings him leaves, plants and many things for Martin to see and imagine. Martin also uses Dog to bring people to visit him as the dog corners, begs and guides people back home.

     One day Dog brings home the one who should have been his teacher if he went to school, Miss Haight. Martin really loves Miss Haight as she complements Dog as an emissary in ways Dog cannot do. He visits him everyday, brings him muffins, talks to him about many things and she loves Dog. So far a heartwarming story. That is until one Monday his mom tells him that she died a mile away from town. Martin couldn't believe it and asked where she was going. His mom told him they were going to bury her and Martin couldn't believe she could stay idle as Dog when he faked death couldn't stay that long still. Her mom warned him to stop talking like that and Martin had to deal with it. Miss Haight was never coming back.

It seems there's a 25 min movie of it.
     To boot one day Dog doesn't come back home after a week of whimpering and coming late. Martin stood absent in his room, now without his dog to connect him to the world. Just seeing life pass by and get bored in bed. One night his parents went outside, he stood there wishing Dog would come back. Suddenly, faraway he hears a bark. Martin glues himself to the window, waiting, hearing Dog coming closer and closer. He heard him barking at the door and whimpering. Martin couldn't get out of bed and hoped his mom would come back home early so she would open the door for him. The door opened, someone gentle enough had let dog in. Dog rushed upstairs and into Martin's bed. Martin cried how he missed him and hugged him. That is until he detected a strange smell on him. The smell of foul earth, putrified soil. He had been digging and deep.

Good dog! You can bring people back to life!
 "Dog was a bad dog digging where he shouldn't. Dog was a good dog, always making friends. Dog loved people. Dog brought them home."

     And now in the dark stairs he heard the sound of dragging feet coming closer and closer. The door whispered in. Martin had company.

     Yep, the loving and scary story of a boy and his nameless dog. I loved it. My favorite short story so far in this book. They've already won me over with the appearance of the dog. I'd love to have a dog like that although I wouldn't want him bringing dead people over. Happy ending, dog comes back, teacher comes back.

Happy reading!

lunes, 3 de junio de 2013

Martian Chronicles: Part Two

By Ray Bradbury

     Hello again, ready for the two last expeditions. Truthfully, I only read until there cause the book wasn't even mine and well I wasn't even paying attention to the owner anymore. So they took the book away from me. Real sob story...

     Luckily, I have the same exact book in my house so maybe if I finish the unfinished Frankenstein I can write more of my favorite book.

Cold War didn't have wars but was no joke.
   All was prepared for the third expedition. One man struggled in the wires, asking what he need to do to go with them. He didn't want to stay in Earth, nobody in their right mind would. At most, in two years there was a predicted atomic war so he wanted to go to Mars before that happened. They laughed at him. Haven't he heard of the disappearance of the first and second expedition? Most likely they were dead.
     He didn't care but security dragged him away while he continued to struggle seeing as the spacecraft launched into space.

     Third Expedition

     They arrived to Mars. Captain John Black a seventy year old man, rejuvenated to a forty year old thanks to technology was distrustful of Mars though his crew was eager and enthusiastic. They had been sent to a completely different zone of Mars in case the first two expeditions met a hostile reception. They were the first expedition to be sent with weapons and a bigger crew. He ordered half of his men to stay put and guard the spacecraft while he and the rest investigated the surroundings.
Captain Black, it may be we did a
bad turn somewhere....
     When they came off the ship, they were baffled. Had they made an error? No, they couldn't have but why was this place just like their hometown. The moss and the brick houses, the swings, the wafting scent and white fences, and the music coming from the phonograph: "Beautiful Ohio". They start to making crazy theories about space and time, World War I escapees and the like. Captain Black doesn't like this theories, they seem messed up but soon one of his crewmen, Lustig, starts running towards one of the houses. When he knocks, an old couple appears. They're his grandparents whom had been dead for thirty years.
     They explain to them that they don't know why they are here, but maybe that's a second chance. To them this is Earth; and who knows, maybe what they know as Earth had another before that too. After all, they don't know the meaning of life yet and they can only be happy for this chance. Captain Black thanks the couple for the lemonade and expects to head back to the spaceship only to find his men leaving it and heading towards the different people congregating outside: parents, grandparents, siblings and friends.
     He gets angry, they had orders, his orders and they defied him. Lustig asks him for comprehension as he would do the same. He denies it but soon someone calls his name. Edward is running towards him. His twenty-six year old brother who died when he was nineteen. He forgets his anger and Lustig tells him he's going to be with his grandpas. Edward tells him their parents are waiting for him too. He talks, has dinner and dances with his family. The house is just the same, the same bed he shared with his brother. He couldn't be any happier.
     But now that he had time to stay calm and think things over, he started to organize all that have happened till now. He had just the most unlikely theory and he tried to laugh it off... but what if all the people here in this town were Martians and they had seen them coming from the sky and just hated them. But they had atomic guns and just how would be the best way to trick them into leaving their spaceship and weapons? What if they could see in their memories, his memories, and made all this farce of a town and filled it of beloved parents, sibling and friends. What if his parents sleeping in the other room were some amazing Martians capable of holding such an illusion and had waited till the night with every one of them dispersed so they could get rid of them. 
The moment where your brother suddenly
is something in the skin of your brother.
     Captain Black was now sure that that was right. He slid of the bed and walked to the door. His supposed sleeping brother asked him where he was going. He said he was thirsty and Edward insisted he wasn't. Captain Black started to ran, thinking he may be able to outrun them and head to the spaceship but in fact never reached that door. The next day there were seventeen coffins for the mysterious deaths of seventeen young men. All wept around them but in short intervals their faces distorted into not-so-human faces.

     Fourth Expedition

     Spender distracted himself building a fire waiting for the rest of the people sent to investigate the cities to come back. The had orders to be silent and many were grumbling about it. They had come all over to Mars and instead of celebrating they were doing nothing and waiting. Captain Wilder said it was for the best. When the exploration team came back they reported that neither of the cities was inhabited. The third city was full of corpses. The cause: Pox. It did something different to the Martians that killed them. Spender grieved over it. These Martians had made such an amazing society and cities but died to a disease that didn't even kill children in Earth and with the least menacing name: Pox. 
     They were all somber, Biggs decided to leave the grumbling and incite a party. Soon all started to dance, sing and drink. Only the captain and Spender felt uncomfortable about it. Spender felt that faraway the Martians could see them making themselves look stupid. Biggs started to throw the bottles in the river and baptizing it Biggs River. Spender couldn't stand it anymore, stood up and punched Biggs till he fell into it. It would had turned into a fight if the captain hadn't intervened. He dragged Spender and question him about his reasons: he couldn't stand the idea of him being so disrespectful. He was only the beginning, then all the ambitious money-makers in Earth would come and destroy Mars just as they had Earth. Captain Wilder tried to be positive but Spender sank more and more in his pessimism.
     They investigated the nearest city. Biggs barfed in the intricate floor full of depictions. Spender went alone and since then went missing. Captain Wilder made many excursions looking for him. One day after about a week of him missing. Spender returned. He shot Biggs in the heads and his body sank in the river. He came into the spacecraft. They were making breakfast. Spender just asked what they would think if they were Martians and some people from faraway came and wanted to take your place. Cheroke was the only one who said he could understand as he had Cherokee ancestors. He shot all the people and offer Cheroke to join him but had to kill him when he tried to take out his gun. When he went outside he took his hand to his head and trembled for a moment.
     When Captain Wilder and the rest came by they found the corpses and the cold food on the table. He came to the conclusion that only Spender could have done it and started arming his people. Soon they spotted him through the valleys and made chase. But ordered to cease fire and Captain Wilder stood in a boulder far from his men. He offered Spender a cigarette and let him speak. Spender gave him his reasons. He didn't want people to ruin Mars. If this expedition was successful, soon they would sent loans and loans of people from Earth. So he had to kill them all, if he manages to, the next expedition would take years as this was the last spaceship made so far. He could manage to live till the next expedition, feign innocence and kill them again. Over time, they will cease sending expeditions at all and Mars would be safe for a century at least. Yet he thought he could do it but wasn't sure anymore. But now that he had done it, he couldn't fix things anyway. He will kill the others but not him. Maybe then he would join him in protecting Mars. Captain Wilder said he wouldn't but Spender said that either way he wouldn't kill him. If it make him feel better, he wished for Captain Wilder to believe he went nuts. In any case, if he died he asked him to protect Mars at least for a year to let archaeologists get what they can before they ruin it all.
     Spender ran again. Captain Wilder reunited with his crew and ordered a clean shot to the chest. They gave him chase along the valleys. Spender knew the way better than them but suddenly stood in between the boulders and just stood there. Captain Wilder could see him just between the gap of the rocks. A gap that could make a clean shot to his chest but waited as he wished for him to escape. His crew headed and enclosed every time around him but he didn't tried to flee. 
Guys, let's be careful. We can't break a single window.
That's what Captain Wilder said.
     He had to do it after all. That was Spender's plan. Before his men could reach him, Captain Wilder raised his gun and shot. When he arrived, Spender was dead. He made his crew bury him in one of the martian coffins they found in the cities against their will. Some days later one of his men was in the city shooting windows and peaks of the buildings. Captain Wilder knocked the teeth off his mouth.

     That's the last expedition, fellas. The successful one. Yep, killed all the Martians just like Europeans came to America with all the diseases. No offense, it's the truth!

     Martian Chronicles is a novel full of short stories like this. So I suggest you better read the book if you're interested. I suggest to all Bradbury lovers to get a book in Barnes and Nobles that has Martian Chronicles, The Golden Apples of the Sun, the Illustrated Man and I think that's all (I may be wrong). You will have awesome stories and a cool red book with gold paper. There's something similar for Asimov, Homer and Austen's fans.

     Now enjoy.

domingo, 2 de junio de 2013

Martian Chronicles: First Part

By Ray Bradbury

Mars Utopia.
Reality: Barren deserts, no water

     Hi, long time no see! Vacations are finally here, I while at it I took my time reading a bit of my favorite book. What I have to say of it: Genius! It always manages to draw me in his stories and tales of the conquest of Mars by humanity.

     My opinion: Best book ever! Well, that's my opinion and I really like science fiction so don't try to debate it. I'm serious.

     First Expedition

     Ylla is a normal, small, brownish-tanned, gold-eyed, she Martian living her life boringly normally along his husband Yll. Through a serene and desertic description of her routine and the fading affection between she and her husband, life in Mars is a peaceful and normal existence. 
     That is until Ylla starts having recurring dreams that enlighten her boring routine and which get Yll in a bad temper. Ylla dreams of a giant chunk of metal that comes from the sky, there she meets a strange being who is unusually tall with pale skin, black hair and blue eyes. He says he's the captain with his only company being his attendant and that his name is Nathaniel York. Since this recurring dreams, Ylla starts looking more happy and sings in an unknown language which gets Yll more suspicious. Although Ylla dismisses it as mere dreaming.
     Yll grows furious as he hears her fawning and talking to this man in her sleep about meeting this afternoon. She orders Ylla to stay at the house as they're going to have a visit while he goes hunting. She grows anxious as times passes by and the afternoon comes nearer. She gazes at the sky but convinces herself of staying. Soon she hears the sky thunder in a cloudless sky along the valley where the meeting was supposed to be. A little while later, her husband's gun echoes twice. She shudders at every shot.
     She continues waiting and cleaning unfazed but soon gets overwhelmed and screams in desperation. By the time her husband gets home, she has calmed a bit but mentions she can't remember the song she was singing although she tries a lot. He then comments deliberately clumsy: The visit was supposed to be tomorrow.

That's why one needs to go personally.

     Second Expedition

     Captain Williams and his crew of two men arrive happily on Mars and knock on the first door they could find. There a (middle-aged) Martian woman looks displeased by the interruption. Williams tries to explain how they came from Earth, the third planet in the solar system and how she is the first Martian ever they meet and how she should be just as excited. She nags about how they must want to meet his husband and that he is busy. The captain insists about their exhausting and long intergalactic voyage and how she should show (you know) more enthusiasm. 
     After talking to her husband, the woman sends them to another man who pays them as much attention as the woman and send them another man. Dragging their feet through the village, they finally meet Mr.Ttt who makes them sign some papers with an ominous clause such as euthanasia, but just for the sake of getting past all this procedures the captain signs them and asks if his crew should sign them too only to get laughed at. He gives the captain a key and tells him to enter the building just ahead and lock the door. Mr. Xxx would come the day after to see them. 
     By the time they arrive, they're tired and skeptical about the great welcome they expected. Inside they find a bunch of Martian in large tables all seated who ask who they are. Tiredly he answers he is captain Williams and his crew and that they came from Earth, the room explodes in applause and cheers and soon are surrounded by eager and curious Martians. 
     Just as they're happy by the welcome, a Martian comments how he is also from Earth along other three Martians. This confuses captain Williams and asks where he is from and he is incapable of finding the whereabouts of this city. He asks if this is in America, but the Martian doesn't know what's America. Then another woman exclaims how Earth is a jungle, while another a planet completely covered by water. Soon all the people in there start saying how they come from Jupiter, Venus and the like.
     He gets it, he knows now why they sent them here. He tells his crew they had send them to a mental asylum and they understand they cannot open the door anymore. One of his crew tells him that then is only a matter of convincing this Mr.Xxx that they're not crazy. But captain Williams points out that that will be hard as he points the different Martians capable of creating illusions along the room. Mr. Xxx will think all the appearance, the rocket, and even his crew are an illusion.
And that's why we never send people to Mars...
     The next day, Mr. Xxx arrives wearing a mask with three smiles and captain Williams takes him to see the spaceship and detail him that they're real spacemen from Earth. Mr. Xxx ventures inside the spaceship while captain Williams and his crew wait outside, when he exits he's astounded by the proficiency of the illusion and the balance he manages as not to be any imperfection. He calls him a genius maniac and how he will talk about him in his next conference. The captain insists that it is not an illusion and that his crew is real.
     Mr. Xxx proceeds to put "captain Williams out of his misery" with a gun. He waits for the illusions to disappear but only find the crew screaming and the spaceship that does not disappear. He is amazed again by his ability to make perdurable illusions and proceed to kill his crew and shoot the spaceship only to find it not disappearing yet. He then comes to the conclusion that he has been infected and that the only way to cure himself is with a shot in the head.

     And that's how the first two expeditions ended up. Martians are really similar yet not so nice neighbors. 

     One of the things you may find strange is that actually in this story people could go without the suits, that because they said there was enough oxygen although the air was really thin so they tried not to over exert themselves. After all, this was published in 1950. Also Martians as you may have guessed have telepathy and the like so they can understand human languages.

     Happy reading and vacations (if you have them)!

domingo, 14 de abril de 2013

Fahrenheit 451

By Ray Bradbury

      Hi, everybody! I've been really busy. Yet you may ask how was I able to finish another book but not write another entry... Well, that's one of the mysteries of life. Books can be taken out during class, laps don't.

     Now once again, another novel by my favorite author. Known as the poet among the science fiction writers, here comes again with a novel written in 1953 which strangely seems very alike to our own society.


¿Who has big TVs on their walls and likes to listen music all day long using headphones? ¿Who uses all their free time seeing soap operas, programs with destruction derbies, pursue criminals and the like? ¿Who likes to drive fast? ¿Who is with friends but seems to talk more with their iphone?

     If you did answer "yes" to any of these questions you may need to read this book or if you don't want to then maybe seek for the movie.

     Guy Montag is a fireman and what firemen do is burn books because they're a source of controversy and chaos within society. Guy really liked his job until one day he returns home and meets his neighbor, Clarisse McClellan, a cheerful 17 year old girl who is different and questions Guy if he is happy with his life. Guy brushes her off, assuring it but grows hesitant by the time he gets home.
     There he finds her wife, Mildred, in the bed with the seashells (earphones) in her ears staring blankly at the ceiling. Montag doesn't find anything wrong with it as she had been like that since long time ago until he falls with an empty bottle of sleeping pills. He tries to wake her up but he can't, he calls for help and two uncaring men arrive with a machine to replace Mildred's blood and pump her stomach. The men give an insight of the numerous incidents of accidental overdoses growing over the past years before they leave Mildred in his care and frustrated by their indifferent reaction.

I think I've read some of those books... Cool!

     By the time Guy wakes up, Mildred is making breakfast and complaining about a stomachache. She assumes she went to a party and drank too much alcohol. Guy at first played along but finally reveals to Mildred that she had a pill overdose, which she denies. And continues her daily routine which consists in staring at soap operas and reality shows all day long.
     Guy returns to work where he starts questioning the duty of firemen. But as his boss, Beatty, arguments -about how books and the duty of a fireman started since long ago being Benjamin Franklin the first fireman- the alarm rings and they head to investigate a house. Unfortunately, something went off and an old lady was still in the house. They find the books but Guy manages to hide one of them inside his jacket. The rest of the firemen start spraying the kerosene but they have problems with the old lady who refuses to leave. Guy begs her to leave with them as Beatty starts a countdown before they burn the house. The old lady insists and decides to "save them time". She takes a match out of her pocket. The firemen grow pale and run for the exit. The old lady then burns herself and the house.
Looks like a grandma who's seriously lost or dancing.

     Guy returns home shocked after seeing the old lady die. He returns to bed, undressing in the way and hides the book below his pillow. The next morning he asks Mildred to call Beatty for him as he feels ill but she doesn't believes him. He explains her he saw a woman die last night. Mildred acts apathetic and uninterested as she only wants to return seeing the TV. He continues to tell her how he wonders what may books contain to make her burn herself over submitting to the firemen but Mildred brushes it off as crazy. He compares her to Clarisse McClellan who was also different but asks Mildred if she hasn't seen her as he hasn't. Mildred causally answers she heard she died run over by a car. Guy frustrated asks her why didn't she told him sooner but Mildred doesn't care about her death and wants him to either decide to go to work or call Beatty himself as she's seeing the TV.
     Unexpectedly, Beatty arrives to their home as he supposed he would be "ill". Guy feels the presence of the book under his pillow burn below his head. Beatty comprehends Guy about feeling bad about the old lady but that one grows used to it. It sometimes happens. It is something necessary for society as they are harmful snobs who make everybody feel bad because they're not happy with things as they are. Happiness is brought by entertainment, a busy schedule and instant actions. Thinking, which books promote, creates chaos and unhappy people.
     Mildred starts fixing the bed.
     He tells Guy how he was once a rebellious and read many books in his youth but all contradicted itself and didn't tell anything. Having too many options makes all hard to decide, so it's just better to show one. To avoid that kind of behaviors, luckily, children are sent to school each year smaller. Guy then tells him that he met a girl who was different and Beatty recognizes he must be referring to his neighbor, Clarisse, who was recorded in the firemens' reports. He tells him that is for the better, sometimes that kind of children appear. The teachers didn't like her for asking why instead of how. Her house was revised many times but they never found a book but probably the family was nurturing her subconsciousness. He pointed he pitied Guy for being her target as she must have made him feel unhappy.

Definition of a snob
     Mildred then tries to fix his pillow but Guy struggles until Mildred realizes the thing below. She rapidly changes the subject and acts as if nothing. Beatty follows the flow of the conversation and tells them that luckily one day firemen won't be necessary as over time people will become totally uninterested of the content of books. But every time now and then a fireman will grow curious. Guy asks what would happen if one took a book from a house. Beatty tells him that it's okay to fulfill curiosity to see how harmful they are and then burn it by the time he returns to work the next day. Guy asks what if not. Before leaving, Beatty then tells him that his house would be burned and him arrested.

     Guy explains to Mildred how he feels unhappy and wants to see if he can find why in the books. Mildred replays proudly she is happy but Guy tells him that's not true as she almost died from pill overdose. He then reasoning its fair that she knows, shows her his hideout where he hides some of the books he had been taking from the houses he is sent to burn. Mildred grows hysterical and tries to burn them but Guy forces her to read the books along with him to find out if what they say may tell them why they feel and act like that but at the first phone call Mildred dashes and makes plans to see TV in her friend's house.
     He then remembers an old english teacher he met at the park long time ago who had a book and had given him his phone number as Guy had shown interest even while being a fireman. He calls but the man, Faber, believes he wants to trick him into revealing he has books so Guy goes to his house almost getting caught in the subway with the book.
     Faber seeing he is honestly interested lets him pass inside. Where he tells Guy that the book he brought is indeed the New Testament. He asks Faber to help him understand what he reads as it's too complicated for him and that he wants to make a copy of it as his boss will arrest him if he doesn't burn it. Faber tells him it's too dangerous to do that and nobody in his mind would dare take a copy of a book. Even so he's too old and it's too late to fight back. He resents not doing anything when everybody started censoring books. Guy then starts ripping the New Testament and desperately Faber complies to help him. Guy insists that maybe if they stop the firemen they may be able to do something and devises a plan where he plants books in their houses so that there will be discord within the system. Faber decides to aid Guy and gives him a "green bullet" (transmitter) as he knows he will have to face Betty next night and will try to destroy all his confidence in books.
...Faber, how do I read this?
     Guy returns home and feels safer while knowing Faber is in the other side of the line. When he returns home he finds Mildred and his two friends, Mrs. Phelps and Mrs. Bowles, seeing TV. Montag turns off the TV and tries to strike deep conversation with the women. He asks them about their children and Mrs. Phelps replies she doesn't have children as they only serve to ruin one's life. Mrs. Bowles disagrees as she thinks is nice and easy, as they are only home three times a month and the only thing you have to so is turn on the TV like a washing machine. Mildred notices that Guy doesn't participate in the conversation and starts approaching politics to please Guy. The women start talking how it was obvious that the handsome candidate Noble would win over his other competitor who was ugly, small and had a horrible last name.
     He then asks them about Mrs. Phelps's husband. She nonchalantly tells them his husband was sent to war and demonstrates she had had a divorce and that his second husband committed suicide but that she doesn't worry at all.
     Guy angrily heads to the bedroom and comes back with a poetry book. The women are surprised but Mildred lies that it's permitted for firemen to bring a book back home once a year to remember how harmful they are while looking coldly at him. Faber begs him to stop but Guy ignores him. He reads Dover Beach and by the time he finishes Mrs. Phelps busted in tears making Mrs. Bowles to get angry at him and deem books as filthy. They leave while Guy demands them to reflect about their empty lives.

Montag made true the dream of
every salaryman who hates
his boss.
     The next day, Guy returns work and brings along one of the books which he throws in the incinerator in front of his fellow firemen. Beatty then assures he knew he could return to the herd but mentions he had a dream where they argued using quotes to torment Guy into giving up into books as they only contradict each other. The fire alarm rings; Beatty answers the phone and writes down the address and offers Guy to finish blackjack which Guy refuses. Then they head to the truck and drive following the address Beatty wrote down only to arrive to Guy's house. Astonished, he asks who was the one who called. Mildred leaves the house in a hurry and into a cab disappearing from Guy's life. Beatty permits him redemption by burning his house himself and Guy do as he's ask as he has no other escape. When he finally exits, Beatty manages to find out about the transmitter in his ear and takes it from Guy. He menaces with tracking the line and arresting his companion when Guy faces the flamethrower against him. Beatty dares him to do it and so does Guy. Beatty is engulfed in flames. The Mechanical Hound then attacks Guy and manages to inject him barely in the leg but Guy burns him with the flamethrower. He returns to his yard where they were still some books and makes a run to Faber's house.
      While he runs is easy to understand he is paranoid about the police. Yet albeit his murder, what the news tell is only the official start of the war. When he arrives, Faber lets him in and lets him explain what happened. When they see the TV they find that they're making his persecution a hunt to entertain the city. They see how from a helicopter a new Mechanical Hound arrives, how they make him get the scent from the flamethrower and how he starts to track Guy. They become conscious of the trail that he has left over the city until Faber's house. They rapidly organize. Faber lends Guy a case with his dirty clothes and suggests him to run to the wilderness and seek for the vagabonds living there. Guy tells him to activate the sprayers in the garden, clean with alcohol the doorknobs and many things to try to get rid of his odor. They say good-bye to each other. Faber hopes he may see him in the city where he is going to try to make a retired newspaper owner help him print the books.
     Guy makes a run for it. He gazes through the windows where all the people are seeing TV his own hunt. He stops when he sees the Mechanical Hound is approaching Faber's house. It stops suddenly and wavers next to the house but ignores it and continues seeking his trail. Guy returns to running and hears the advances of the Mechanical Hound through his earphones. Little by little, he runs by the streets Guy ran through but at a faster pace. When Guy sees the last row of houses, the news announce they want the cooperation of the people. They ask them that at the count of three everybody looks through their doors and windows, and report the whereabouts of the criminal. Guy tries to run faster and faster as the countdown goes to zero. When the citizens gaze through their doors and windows, Guy had arrived to the river where he has undressed and wore Faber's clothes. He lets himself be dragged by the current. By the time the Mechanical Hound and the police has arrived to the river, Guy had escaped and it had lost its track. They start looking elsewhere in the city.
A simplistic representation
of Montag and the Mechanical Hound.
Use your imagination.
     Guy escapes to the wilderness and finds himself astounded by nature which is unknown. He travels along the wilderness feeling a new sense of freedom and finally meets with the vagabonds. All of them are exiled of society and wait until they can return. They give Guy food and make him drink a substance which will change his odor. They have a small TV and show Guy how to please the public they have killed another man, such as Clarisse McClellan, and lied about him being Guy.
     They reveal to him they have books. That they are the books. Each of them has memorized a book and will wait till society collapse to be able to bring books back.
     Soon enough, an enemy bomber flies above the city and in an instant destroys it. Guy realizes Faber had escaped because he was in his way to another city but he knows Mildred didn't. The leader of the exiled soon compares humanity with the phoenix. It burns itself and revives but there's a difference: it can remember its past errors.

     I was amazed by what Beatty said all the time. He said the most meaningful things by the use of a bad example that's happening. One has to know that he wrote this novel when they were taking out "corrupted" books out of libraries and so this books represent the tension of a possible future. 

     Actually his prefaces and afterwords are very fun. In one, he explains how while trying to publish his book -in a time when no one wanted a book that talked bad about censorship-, he met a young man with little in his pocket who was willing to add his book in his magazine. Later, he meets him again: he was Hugh Hefner.

     Curious things... Well, happy reading!