lunes, 17 de diciembre de 2012

Curious Facts: The Iliad

I really enjoy greek mythology and taking advantage of the theme of the book I will add some more curious facts.

Can't seem to find an Achilles which
isn't either nude or Brad Pitt.
     1. Achilles may be the first documented transvestite in history. Her mother Tetis knowing he will not live a long life if he participates in the war made him wear women's clothes and hid as one of the daugthers of a king. Yet he doesn't forgets he's actually a man and maybe actually enjoyed it, that would explain him having a kid with one of them even while wearing dresses. Finally Odysseus, still mad for being discovered faking madness and forced to come to the war, decides he will make Achilles come too so he disguises himself as a weapons sellers and logically assumes that the manly guy in a dress looking at the weapons must be the guy. 

     2. It is said that Achilles and Patroclus may been gay but if one reads Plato's Symposium one will understand that greeks thought women were properties like cows while men were equals. Actually Aphrodite was the goddess of love between man and woman and Eros/Cupid was the god of love between men. So next time that someone tells you Cupid may want to shoot you... RUN AWAY! Maybe wear armor or repellent also. Better be safe. Beware going out during Valentine's.

     3. Diomedes and Odysseus are Athena's favourites warriors. Seem to be friends and are always sent in missions regarding infiltration, spying, disguising or as messengers. Also while Diomedes is the young saintly friend, Odysseus is the old devilish friend. When Diomedes screamed asking him to help him rescue the old man Nestor, Odysseus pretended not to hear him and ran back to the boats. If Dante Alighieri is right, even now Diomedes and Odysseus continue being comrades... in Hell in the 8/9 rings for being liars.

     4. Apollo isn't actually the sun god but the best friend of the son god, Helios, and the god of seers. He thought having a kid with Hecuba wasn´t enough so he tried to date her daughter, Cassandra, and tried to seduce her by giving her the ability to see the future but then she said no, thank you. In vengeance, he gave her the ability to only predict tragic things and the curse that no one would ever believe her.

     5. Achilles fell in love with Apollo and Hecuba's son, Troilus, and killed him with a hug. So must be why Apollo is mad at Achilles.

     6. Zeus actually admitted that overpopulation is a problem he wanted to solve making them kill themselves in the War of Troy.

     7. Athena says to Diomedes that he should avoid fighting against gods except Aphrodite. Athena was actually still mad that Aphrodite was considered "the most beautiful" and not her. Hera also but seems to forgive her for lending her the belt that makes her wearer irresistible.

     9. It is said that the second child of the first wife of Zeus was going to govern the world so he ate her while being pregnant of the first one. Later that first child was born from his head and became Zeus's favorite daughter, Athena.

     10. Hera jealous of Zeus for managing being asexual tried to give birth by her own too. The result was Hephaestus who was then or not limp of both legs. Disappointed she threw him from the Olympus and if not limp already maybe then. He was saved by two of the Nereids, one of being Tetis.

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